Sales-Link Social Media Services
A constant, consistent presence on the right social media platforms is essential for every company in today’s market. Our dedicated Sales-Link Social Media Department of content creators, graphic designers, and video editors use their talents to present your message to the world professionally, and keep your company in the public eye.
In addition to multiple daily scheduled social media postings, we write blog posts, articles, press releases, and offer video creation and editing services.
Understanding how to use social media marketing, in addition to email marketing, and boosting your SEO provide invaluable support to your company.
Our Sales-Link Social Media Strategy follows these basic guidelines:
Engage with company to determine needs and set desired goals
Develop and manage a social media action plan/calendar
Determine keywords that represent brand and current industry trends
Create and curate content
Schedule multiple daily social media posts
Set up engagement metrics to track performance data
Review analytics and analyze performance results
Draw actionable information and determine next steps
Set goals for moving forward
Related Blogs
Metrics are an important tool for tracking performance results to determine the best social media strategy for your company. The graphs below show two examples of the kind of data we track to maximize your company’s exposure to your target market.
In social media, every detail matters, even what time of the day you are posting. Metrics helps us maximize your exposure, boosting interaction.This graph illustrates the number of posts made at a given time of day, and how many interactions resulted, on average.
We also track the number of times a keyword is used in our postings, and average the resulting interactions. Keywords that represent your brand are matched against keywords trending in industry and analyzed to determine which are most effective for your company’s unique needs.
SEO is keyword-based, which means basically, that analytics responds to specific “keywords” people use to look for information, services, and products, and directs them to sites in which the same keywords appear. In a sense, it is the way traffic is organized and directed on the world-wide-web. Sales-Link’s Social Media Team harnesses the targeting ability of SEO by using trending, optimal keywords in your social media and blog posts, delivering the most desirable, qualified traffic to your doorstep.
When you hire Sales-Link, you're hiring a team of dedicated professionals that will stop at nothing to help guide your company to success - including sharing tips, offering advice, and searching out the best images to promote your brand. Our Social Media team can transform your digital materials and make graphics for social media, product videos, write blog posts and articles, and even design websites.
Your website is a representation of you and your products and services. The site must be responsive, protected, creative, informative and tracked. We will write your content (we are pharma/CRO focused!), optimize your guests’ visits to your site, ensure proper security is in place to stop intruders and hackers, and apply search engine optimization (SEO). We also track your site’s activity via Google Analytics.