What Final Word? ! ?

Those of you who write, know the feeling...the feeling that you are never done.  You look at what you wrote and think, "I can say that better" -and so you rewrite, and rewrite, and rewrite some more.  Here's a suggestion to keep you always moving forward...

Write your blog and have your proofreader read it.  When you feel satisfied, go ahead and publish it.  A week or two later, take a look at your running blogs and ask yourself this: "While I was in the heat of getting my point jotted down, did I clearly articulate my point? ...Let's say, from another person's perspective?"

If not, go ahead and modified it.  Remember that your blogs can be picked up at any time by new readers.  Don't be afraid to check, recheck, modify and rewrite.  Rome wasn't built in a day!