Have You Prepared Your Secret Sauce?

Have You Prepared Your Secret Sauce?

I get this a lot: “Please call Pfizer and see if you can get me in.” Okay, let me put my wizard hat on, and see what I can magically produce! Funny it is, but on a serious note, if you are tasking your lead generators to secure meetings for you, you need to hand them a recipe for success. I don’t mean that you should find the contact, pick up the phone, or even write the email. What I’m talking about is your SECRET SAUCE!

Methodology for Sales

Methodology for Sales

Every successful function needs a set of processes. This becomes your methodology. When processes are not in place, it is like accidents happening all along a freeway…Why not make sure that you and your team are safe and successful by putting a plan into place that will allow your sales pipeline to keep growing, rather than hitting bumps in the road? Don’t leave it to chance.

Preparing Yourself for Meetings

Preparing Yourself for Meetings

Sales-Link Inc. Founder and CEO Susan Walsh shares valuable pointers to presenters: “We all sweat a bit before heading to an important meeting. But if you think about being your authenticate self, you cut the stress right out. Hopefully these 6 pointers will help you. They helped me just this morning!”

How To Compose Your Video

How To Compose Your Video

This sunny afternoon, Eniko DeLisle provides an interesting overview of the proper steps to take when doing a video or participating on a video conference call. The devil is in the details: where you sit; how you sit; where your eyes are positioned…every detail is important for maximum impact.

Presenting Yourself In the BoardRoom

Presenting Yourself In the BoardRoom

Today, Eniko DeLisle, Social Media and Activities Director for Sales-Link talks about how to present yourself properly at meetings and presentations. It is so important to look professional, be authentic and stand in your power…always keeping in mind that you are representing your company.

Risk It or Lose It

Risk It or Lose It

Instituting change is necessary for the growth of every company, but it entails taking risks. Change can be difficult for some on your team, because it means doing something different from what they are accustomed to doing. Yes, change disrupts, challenges routine and often instills fear. But it is also necessary for growth and success.

Out of Sight; Out of Mind

Out of Sight; Out of Mind

Most people know 600 other people, according to a study reported in the NY Times*. Those of you in sales that are thinking that you needn’t reach out to someone because they already “know you,” are making a big mistake. These 600 people may know “of you,” but are they thinking about you?

When Like-Minded People Beat The Drum Together

When Like-Minded People Beat The Drum Together

Last week was the launch of my first YouTube live demo of PharmaBDI. I demonstrated the basics of how to use it and I covered some high points of the system. I’m going to keep them going every Thursday at 4PM EST, and I’m hoping you will join in. I believe that really big things happen when many people with the same interests, goals and vision beat the drum together. I need you, the user, to beat that drum with me.