Are you wondering why your well-educated, well-qualified sales staff are not producing buyers? Take a closer look. Are your sales people like the three monkeys? -Not seeing, not hearing and not speaking in a way that resonates with your potential clients? Sales is a relationship business, first and foremost, and connections can not be made without proper communication skills.
What is Your Social Media End-Goal?
A client’s comment the other day lead me to ponder how differently people use social media in business. The client’s complaint was that I was promoting their participation in a series of conferences too aggressively. She suggested that perhaps I could instead re-post current articles pertinent to her company’s interest in the Life Sciences…
Start Marketing From Within
Feeling Defeated and Deflated?
Hey there fellow salesperson. Did you have a tough week? Feeling defeated and deflated? Frustrated? Well get used to it.
Trust me, every salesperson goes through this feeling at least monthly, brought about by their delivery team. By saying, "What have you done lately?" it is implied that yesterday's successes don't matter in a new day. Ouch!
Whose Slacking? We're SLACKING IT!
Sales-Link, Inc. is a sales and marketing services organization for Pharma/Biotech/Diagnostic companies. We house over half a million industry contacts, and we stay abreast of what Contract Research Organizations of all kinds offer industry. In keeping with our mission to always be ready to go, we're furthering our outreach with our very own Sales-LinkNetwork SLACK Community.