An Interview with Sales-Link Inc. President and CEO: Sales


Why is sales training important to conduct?

People get stuck; the same ole same ole reduces energy.


Why should Salespeople embrace the idea of weekly meetings?

Weekly meetings keep you on your toes. We all have times when we are sluggish, not quite feeling up to the task. Commitments make you stay being an honest broker to your clients/your manager.


Why shouldn’t YOU be afraid to hire smarter people than yourself?

Being a leader, your job is to lead because you have foresight, not necessarily expertise in every area. Definitely hire people who are smarter, or more informed in a specific area, than you so you stay ahead of the curve, keeping an open mind, and encouraging others to further develop themselves.


Working in sales for over 25 years, has a lot changed?

Not really!  I must love sales because for all these years and still today, my day starts with needing to keep filling a pipeline and ends knowing I need to fill the pipeline. The one thing that has changed; however, is within myself. As a result of all lessens learned, I have come to be comfortable with all meetings, various experts, and any surprises. Hmmm… sounds like I’ve got a few years behind me!


Is there any advice you can give someone entering into a sales job or sales career?

My favorite sales book is calledHow to Become a Rainmaker: The Rules for Getting and Keeping Customers and Clients” by Jeffrey Fox. Use this book or any sales motivational book and refer to it daily for reminders, ideas and touching base with a “mentor” (the book).

Have passion for what you sell and be inquisitive.

                My Best Advice: Never Give Up and Be Persistent.

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